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Writer's pictureRumorvilla

"Your Santa is here! Make a wish !!!": Bollywood Star Urfi Javed shared glimpse of Xmas dress. WATCH

MUMBAI — Urfi Javed, 25, shared a glimpse of her Christmas outfit, which is as stunning and unique as her usual outfits.

Social media sensation Urfi Javed is known for his quirky fashion statements. And now, she is again generating many views on social media with her captivating look.

Urfi shared her video on Instagram in a red dress. The fashionista tried something a little different this time around. Urfi's red jumpsuit is designed like no other. While one side of her trousers was covered, the other was a different length and short. Also, the jumpsuit has some cutouts at the top. She has her hair down and is posing for a photo. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW!



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