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When will the media leave Meghan Markle alone?

Meghan Markle: A woman | A mother | An Actress | A wife | A daughter | Duchess of Sussex - a title she gave up willingly - LET HER BE!

From the left, Megyn Kelly | Meghan Markle with her husband Prince Harry | pic: pagesix
From the left, Megyn Kelly | Meghan Markle with her husband Prince Harry | pic: pagesix

Meghan Markle dressed in White shirt | PHOTO AND VIDEO CREDITS: Instagram | Page six | Harper's Bazaar

A recent story has been circulating about how TV broadcaster Megyn Kelly (age 51) roasted Meghan Markle in an interview with the author of a new book about the royal couple.

Isn't it interesting to note that Meghan Markle has done nothing that would hurt someone? Even though people want to use her name to gain popularity. They still love to gossip about her, and by doing so, they try to tear her down and her spirit daily.

It's good to have the power of words, voice, and ink to convey a specific message to a large human population, but when would you draw a line and not bring your emotions (jealousy and hate) into it?

Meghan Markle (age 41) is a former actress who resided in Toronto when she met Prince Harry of England, Duke of Sussex (age 38). They fell in love, got married, and had children. Upon her marriage to Prince Harry, Meghan was expected to take on the role of Duchess of Sussex, which she gladly took, but after so much scrutiny, she decided it was not good for her mental health. The couple decided to relocate to Canada first but eventually settled in the US. They are working on some projects to help them generate money to survive. Now, what's SO wrong with it? Every couple or average parent would do the same.

No. Some people in the media want to stir the story. They bring in hatred, blame, guilt, negativity, racism, literally anything to tear that apart, so the couple gets pressurized and faces failure every step of the way.

Each time Meghan steps out the door of her house, the comments on her dress, her style of walking, talking, eating, laughing, crying, everything media wants to stretch it like a piece of chewing gum. The media forgets the sense of her being a HUMAN who also fulfills several roles in her life, such as being a mother to her two children, wife to her husband, daughter to her mother, friend to her friends, and a working individual exploring business ideas - Archetypes. Even if she is looking to earn money, what's SO wrong with that? Why doesn't the media let her breathe?

It is apprehensible that some humans also tend to get sick behind media. Shouldn't they address their sickness instead of pouring out their insanity to the world just because they have the power and resources to do so?

It's deplorable to see the media consistently poking at Meghan Markle while she is a polite, poised, well-mannered individual who is just living her life. If the media doesn't have any content, please go and do some research. Bullying someone will not give you the credibility you are looking for. LET MEGHAN BE! The current generation is not here to consume the hate you feed the world.

1 Comment

nn cal
nn cal
Oct 18, 2022



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