25-year-old Urfi or Urofi Javed is an aspiring Bollywood Actress who recently starred in a song and is looking for more prominent productions in Bollywood to showcase her talents and skills. But Bollywood being Bollywood, where cronyism and producers just want to put out star kids despite making one failed film after another, Urfi faces many challenges to rise in the game. She is A True Bollywood Diva who must ignore those damaging her credibility and stay focused.
Guess what? She is not a Khan, Bhatt or Kapoor!
Master of Her Talent
Urfi is famous for showing off her proficiency in sewing and designing clothes. Most impressive is the confidence and smile she has while wearing them.
ALSO READ: This Girl 'Urfi Javed' Belongs In The Hollywood, Not Bollywood! The star faces flak over her talent.
The Hateful Crowd
Lately, as she climbed the ladder and gained popularity, villainous masses like Chahat Khanna and Chetan Bhagat wanted to take advantage of the sun to dry the hay.
Novelist Bhagat, who faced 'Me Too' allegations (as reported by Economic Times), now believes he owns these 'boys in India' after hearing him complain that Urfi is a distraction. On the other hand, 36-year-old Chahat Khanna, who is said to be looking for TV or film work and doesn't seem to want India or Indian girls to get ahead, wants to spank Ms. Javed's a** every chance she gets. She is also a mother of two young girls and wears "seductive" clothes, for which she often criticizes Urfi. Yeah!?!
A Smart Girl
When you watch Urfi's interviews, you will find that she answers everything cleverly and to the point. We didn't see her hit anyone until someone attacked her first.
Why do these people use Urfi, and why are they so vile?
Does anyone else have an opinion about Urfi besides these folks? Do not! So why are they targeting her and using her name? That's because they lack the skills that Ms. Javed possesses. They don't have what Ms. Javed has. Thus, they display jealousy and hypocrisy, and Urfi bears the brunt.
Strategy or A piece of advice to the beautiful Urfi
You are talented, beautiful and confident, and you slay every day.
Chin up, queen, or the crown slips!
Focus only on yourself. When someone asks you to comment, you have no idea who they are; you can just say "No Comments"! Investing now and hiring a PR team might not be such a bad idea, either! All the best! xo
Empowered Women Empower Women. Be Respectful. Be Kind. Be Mindful. Live And Let Live.
"No matter what people perceive of me, I always shine through at the end of the day," - Selena Gomez.