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Social media platforms founded by men. Women must come onboard & invent tech platforms for a change.

Writer's picture: RumorvillaRumorvilla

See the list and pattern below for yourself. The giant social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Linkedin that have a huge impact on the human population are all founded and created by only men. Think for a second, if women created such platforms, how it would look and what it would be? That's why we need more and more women to join the field of Technology to explore that and for the betterment of society and future generations.


Mark Zuckerberg | Facebook | Image: Unsplash/Snowscat
Mark Zuckerberg | Facebook | Image: Unsplash/Snowscat

Facebook logo | Image: Unsplash/Alexander Shatov
Facebook logo | Image: Unsplash/Alexander Shatov

Meta logo | Image: Unsplash/Mariia Shalabaieva
Meta logo | Image: Unsplash/Mariia Shalabaieva

Facebook logo | Image: Unsplash/Alex Haney
Facebook logo | Image: Unsplash/Alex Haney


Twitter app logo | Image: Unsplash
Twitter app logo | Image: Unsplash

Twitter founder and former CEO | Jack Dorsey | Image: Fortune / GettyImages
Twitter founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey | Image: Fortune / GettyImages


Instagram founders, from left Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom | Image: Podcast News
Instagram founders, from left, Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom | Image: Podcast News


Pinterest founders | CEO Ben Silbermann and Evan Sharp | Image: The NY times
Pinterest founders, CEO Ben Silbermann and Evan Sharp | Image: The NY times


LinkedIn founders, Reid Hoffman, Konstantin Guericke, Eric Ly, Jean-Luc Vaillant, Allen Blue | Image: The Next Web
LinkedIn founders Reid Hoffman, Konstantin Guericke, Eric Ly, Jean-Luc Vaillant, Allen Blue | Image: The Next Web

Image: Someecards
Image: Someecards
There is a saying, "If women ruled the world, there would be no wars. Just a bunch of jealous countries not talking to each other."

So isn't jealousy better than wars that plunder people's lands or resources?

What does the term "women in tech" mean to you? Does this mean that women entering tech companies are actually changing the dynamics of technology or platforms? There may be multiple areas in the technology or IT industry, e.g. Business, Sales Management, Accountants, etc., where you get exposure to technology but do not necessarily contribute on a technical level to make an impact socially.

While women work in technology, they are not inherently behind the development of technology. For example, you're a solutions consultant working at Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, or Twitter, but you're not asked for ideas to permanently change the platform. Think about it! It's all done, so women should stay in the back seat.

Developing a platform is not difficult at all. Women with an IT/software background or who have done engineering can quickly build teams and progress. Voilà! Not only will it benefit society, but it will also change the worldview.



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