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Writer's pictureRumorvilla

More migrants settle in front of Vice President Harris's house on Christmas Eve amid cold weather

Late Saturday, on Christmas Eve, in 18-degree weather, several buses carrying immigrants were dropped off outside the Washington, D.C., residence of Vice President Kamala Harris.

According to a government official, two buses were sent to local emergency shelters. Later Saturday night, more buses arrived outside the vice president's mansion. A CNN team saw migrants being sent away, some wearing only T-shirts in the frigid weather. They were given blankets and put on another bus bound for a local church.

Immigration to the District of Columbia. Buses full of migrants have arrived in Washington every week since April. Amy Fischer, a volunteer with the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network, which has been receiving dispatches since the spring, said her organization was ready for Saturday night, reported CNN.

“The DC community has been welcoming buses from Texas anytime they’ve come since April. Christmas Eve and freezing cold weather is no different,” she said. “We are always here welcoming folks with open arms.”

It's unclear who is responsible for getting the migrants to the Naval Observatory. However, CNN reported earlier this year that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott had dispatched buses to ferry migrants north, including to Harris. Somewhere outside the former residence.

Abbott is one of at least three Republican governors this year to bus or fly migrants north to protest the Biden administration's immigration policies. He previously confirmed in September that his state had sent buses to Harris' residence at the time.


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