“Karim Benzema is out of the World Cup,” the French soccer federation (FFF) said. “After hurting the quadriceps on his left thigh, the Real Madrid striker is forced to give up on taking part in the World Cup.”
The FFF said that Benzema was forced off after suffering a sore left thigh in his first full training session at Les Bleus. According to AP news, defending champions France's World Cup hopes have been dealt a severe blow as their star striker Karim Benzema was ruled out after tearing a muscle in his left thigh during training on Saturday.
“He went for an MRI scan in a hospital (clinic) in Doha, which unfortunately confirmed a tear,” the FFF said, adding that he will need three weeks to recover.
He wrote on his Instagram today, "In my life I never give up but tonight I have to think about the team like I always do so the reason tells me to leave my place to someone who can help our team to make a great world cup. Thank you for all your messages of support 🙌🏼❤️#GoBlues."