A 22-year Mahsa Amini, also known as Jina or Zhina Amini, an Iranian woman had a future ahead of her and yet that was buried under the grounds of the earth due to human-made beliefs, restrictions and beyond.
She died in a hospital on September 16, 2022, under suspicious circumstances in Tehran, Iran. It is believed that she was beaten to death by the morality police, but the Iran officials claimed it was due to a heart attack. The morality police captured her as she was not wearing the hijab per government standards.
We live in an era of women at the forefront in almost every career field, especially in the west; the new norm is we don't talk about equality often because we believe it is already at the mixing point.
The question is WHY WOMEN ONLY? Why there aren't any restrictions for men in the middle-eastern part of the world? What is the Iranian government trying to achieve by allowing the control over women like this? Do they fear women? Do they fear if women are given equal treatment as the west treats women in general will cause huge repercussion that can't be undone? If yes, what are they?
Do we wonder what kind of world would be in the middle-east if women were just FREE? Freedom to wear what they want; freedom of where they want to go; freedom to marry or love anyone; freedom to get educated; freedom to do a job; freedom to have a career; freedom to be a businesswoman; freedom to be respected; space to be equally treated. Wouldn't that be BEAUTIFUL?
Protests against the Iranian government are gaining momentum across Canada.
Canada is not backing down from showing support for Mahsa Amini and is protesting by organizing and marching on the streets to disassemble these practices against women and the regime because Canada is disgusted by it!
# FreeIranianWomen
# FreeWomen