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Canadian Government aiding Ukraine-Russian war amidst an inflation crisis: Is it fair to Canadians?

Recent news about the Canadian Government funding Ukraine's Government half a billion dollars ($500 million) to fight against Russia: What purpose is it fulfilling for Canadian taxpayers?

The Russian leader planned on the nastiest propaganda declaring war on its neighboring country Ukraine. At first, most countries, including Canada, aided Ukraine with resources, immigrated a few citizens from Ukraine to Canada and provided them with food, clothes, housing, jobs, schooling for children etc. It is admirable that Canada's views on human rights globally are applaud-worthy, but how fair is it to Canadians, and at what cost? What is expected of other countries?

Canada decided to spend taxpayer's dollars on funding the war by providing $500 million to Ukraine's leader while Canadians are wounded financially. Canada's inflation rate is skyrocketing. What type of fairness is that? Is it Canadian's fault that Russian president had a psychotic meltdown and he chose to go to war? Why do we need to continue to bear the repercussions?

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau | Image: Joy Real /unsplash
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau | Image: Joy Real /unsplash

People have the hardest and most challenging time putting food on their tables and budgeting like maniacs. They are cutting off so many things and sacrificing. Companies are on the brunt of layoffs. The fact Canadian citizens are piling under credit cards or other debts, but nothing is being done regarding that.
Because why would 'rich' leaders care about the middle class now living off paycheck-to-paycheck?
Canada | Canadian Flag | Image: Sebastiaan Stam /unsplash
Canada | Canadian Flag | Image: Sebastiaan Stam /unsplash

Rents are all-time high; housing prices are crazy, don't even mention the mortgage interest rates. What is the Government plan here? Businesses were shut down during the pandemic, people went bankrupt and have not yet recovered, and this inflation has arrived to dig our grave. Shouldn't the Government be concerned about that? The flailing education system and the Government providing catchup payments in return is their ultimate plan.

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