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Celebs, artists, creators and more arrive at the AFI (American Film Institute) Awards Luncheon

Hollywood celebrities, artists, directors, creators, producers, and more gathered at the American Films Institute (AFI) Awards luncheon today.

To celebrate the top movies of the year,

Michelle Williams, ViolaDavis, MichelleYeoh, ClaireFoy, JessieBuckley, CareyMulligan, ZoeKazan, StevenSpielberg, KeHuyQuan, ThusoMbedu, SigourneyWeaver, StephenLang, StephanieHsu and more, took part in the event.

Michelle Yeoh & Ben Stiller
Michelle Yeoh & Ben Stiller


Patricia Clarkson
Patricia Clarkson


Jordan Peele
Jordan Peele

Images: getty, Instagram


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